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Agriculture Development Program- IADP, IAAP, HYVP, IVLP

For students of agriculture and allied fields, studying these programs offers valuable lessons about driving technology-enabled growth in the smallholder farm sector.

The article summarizes Agriculture Development Program- like the Intensive Agricultural District Programme (IADP), High Yielding Variety Programme (HYVP) and Institutional Village Linkage Programme (IVLP) and their objectives, features, outcomes and limitations.

Intensive Agricultural District Programme (IADP-1960)

  • Launched in 1960 in 7 selected districts with high potential for increasing yields
  • Aims: Rapid increase in production through focus on foodgrains, demonstrate effective ways to increase production
  • “Package program” – used improved seeds, irrigation, fertilizers etc collectively


  • Lacked educational approach for farmers
  • Weak extension services

Intensive Agricultural Area Programme (IAAP-1964)

  • Revised version of IADP, launched in 1964 covering 20-25% cultivated area
  • Followed IADP’s package approach and strategic use of inputs
  • Had weaknesses like poor coordination, staff issues, delays in input delivery
  • Production increased but not enough to meet rising demand

High Yielding Variety Programme (HYVP-1966)

  • Launched in 1966, focused initially on Punjab, Haryana, Western UP
  • Led to substantial increase in foodgrains production
  • Combined HYVs with fertilizers, irrigation, plant protection etc for the Green Revolution
  • Exceeded coverage target under 4th 5-year plan

Institutional Village Linkage Programme (IVLP)

  • ICAR program for direct scientist-farmer interactions
  • Aims: Develop appropriate technologies for farmers, refine technologies on farms
  • Steps: Village selection, agro-ecosystem analysis, multi-disciplinary team, on-farm trials, monitoring
  • Emphasizes productivity, stability, sustainability, profitability

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Program Year Key Features Objectives Shortcomings
Intensive Agricultural District Program (IADP) 1960 • Focused on 7 high potential districts
• Package approach using seeds, irrigation, fertilizers

• Rapid production increase in foodgrains

• Demonstrate effective ways to increase production

• Weak extension services
• Lacked education for farmers
Intensive Agricultural Area Program (IAAP) 1964 • Revised version of IADP
• Covered 20-25% cultivated area
• Expand IADP’s approach to wider area • Poor coordination
• Input delivery delays
• Staffing issues
High Yielding Variety Program (HYVP) 1966 • Focus on Punjab, Haryana, Western UP
• Introduced HYVs and associated inputs
• Increase foodgrains production
Institutional Village Linkage Program (IVLP) • Scientist-farmer interactions
• On-farm technology development/testing
• Develop appropriate, profitable technologies
• Emphasize sustainability

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