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fundamentals of soil science PDF Download Free

fundamentals of soil science

Are You A Student Of Agriculture, If You Are Doing a B.Sc (Agriculture) Or Other Competitive Exam Preparation, And Looking For Fundamentals Of Soil Science PDF? Then This Is For You. All The Topics Are Covered In This PDF Which Is In Your Syllabus. The Table Of All The Topics Is Given Below.

  • Title: fundamentals of soil science
  • File Format: PDF
  • Language: English
  • Category: Agriculture Book

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Title of Topic

Title of Topic
1. Soil as a natural body, Pedological and edaphological concepts of soil
2. Soil genesis: soil-forming rocks and minerals classification
3. Weathering of rocks – Chemical, Physical and Biological
4. Factors of soil formation, Fundamental and specific soil forming processes
5. Soil Profile
6. Definition and components of soil
7. Soil Physical properties-Soil texture, classifications of soil separates, importance of soil texture, particle size analysis, Stoke’s law
8. Soil structure and types of soil structure, mechanism of soil structure formation, management of soil structure.
9. Bulk density, particle density, and porosity, factors affecting them, agricultural significance and manipulation
10. Soil consistence and plasticity and their agricultural significance
11. Soil colour and expression of soil colour with Munsell soil colour chart
12. Soil taxonomical classification and soils of India
13. Soil water classification, forces of soil water retention
14. Movement of soil water and availability to plants
15. Soil air, composition, gaseous exchange and its composition, importance and in plant growth
16. Soil temperature; source, amount and flow of heat in soil; effect on plant growth,
17. Soil reaction-pH, soil acidity and alkalinity buffering
18. Effect of ph on nutrient availability
19. Soil colloids, types of soil colloids and their significance

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