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Fruits, Vegetable Seeds and Floriculture Export (2022-23)

This post provides an overview of India’s floriculture industry, including key production statistics, and major cultivation states. it includes information on India’s fruit and vegetable seeds exports, with total export value and major export markets.

Floriculture Industry in India:

  • Floriculture production area in 2021-22 was 283 thousand hectares.
  • The production of loose flowers was 2295 thousand tonnes and cut flowers was 833 thousand tonnes.
  • The industry shifted from sustenance production to commercial production after liberalization.
  • Commercial cultivation is carried out in several states, with the highest percentages in Karnataka (15.85%), Tamil Nadu (15.16%), Madhya Pradesh (13.66%), and West Bengal (10.61%).
Top Floriculture Producing States in India
  • Other states involved in floriculture production include Mizoram, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Jharkhand, Haryana, Assam, and Chhattisgarh.
  • Cultivated flowers include Rose, Tuberose, Glads, Anthurium, Carnations, Marigold, and more.
  • Cultivation methods range from open farm conditions to state-of-the-art poly and greenhouses.

Floriculture Export in 2022-23:

  • The total export value was Rs. 707.81 Crores (USD 88.38 Million).
  • Major importing countries include the U.S.A, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and Germany.
  • India has over 300 export-oriented units.
  • Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh produce more than 50% of floriculture products.
  • Technical collaborations with foreign companies are being pursued to increase India’s share in world trade.

Fruits and Vegetable Seeds Export in 2022-23:

  • The export value was Rs. 827.13 Crores (USD 103.28 Million).
  • Major markets for export include the U.S.A, Netherlands, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, and Thailand.

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